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To find the GCF of any set of numbers.

Divide the numbers by their Prime number factors, and see which is common to each number in the set.

Hence 160,240 & 200.

160 = 2x2x2x2'x2'x5

200 = 2x2x2x5'x5

240 = 2x2x2x2'x3'x5

So each number has 2x2x2x5 (common to all three numbers)

2x2x2x5 = 40 The GCF.

NB THe other factors are discrete to the given number. So for 200 the second '5' is discrete to 200 and so is not common to all the other numbers.

I have written the discrete numbers as (2') etc.,

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The GCF is 40.

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