Well, isn't that a happy little question! To find the greatest common multiple of 120 and 200, we first need to find the multiples of each number. The multiples of 120 are 120, 240, 360, 480, and so on, and the multiples of 200 are 200, 400, 600, 800, and so forth. The greatest common multiple they share is 600, which is a beautiful number that brings them together in harmony.
To find the greatest common multiple of 120 and 200, we first need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two numbers. The LCM is the smallest number that is a multiple of both 120 and 200. To find the LCM, we can use the formula LCM(a, b) = (a * b) / GCD(a, b), where GCD is the greatest common divisor. The GCD of 120 and 200 is 40, so the LCM of 120 and 200 is (120 * 200) / 40 = 600. Therefore, the greatest common multiple of 120 and 200 is 600.
The LCM of 120 and 200 is 40.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! The greatest common factor of 120 and 200 is 40. You see, the greatest common factor is the largest number that can evenly divide into both 120 and 200, creating a beautiful harmony between the two numbers.
=The two numbers to this question are 40 and 50.=
The least common multiple of 18 and 200 is 1800.
The least common multiple of 20 and 100 is 100. Multiples of 20 = [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120...] Multiples of 100 = [100, 200, 300, 400...] Therefore lowest common multiple is 100.
The greatest common multiple of 200 and 80 is infinity.
The LCM of 120 and 200 is 40.
The LCM is: 1,800
5 and 200 respectively.
Least Common Multiple of 40 and 50 is 200 Work Shown: 40, 80, 120, 150 200 50, 100, 150, 200
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20 and 40, the GCF
1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20 and 40, the GCF
Least common multiple of 25 and 200 is 200.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! The greatest common factor of 120 and 200 is 40. You see, the greatest common factor is the largest number that can evenly divide into both 120 and 200, creating a beautiful harmony between the two numbers.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 100 and 200 is 200.
There is really no such thing as a "greatest common multiple". Once you find the least common multiple of a set of numbers, you can keep adding the LCM to itself over and over again. Each new number you get will be a common multiple of your set of numbers, but each new number will always be larger than the previous. This means that you can keep adding while the number approaches infinity and you will still never find a greatest multiple.