On Jan. 25, 2013, the largest known Prime number, 257,885,161-1, was discovered on Great internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) volunteer Curtis Cooper's computer. The new prime number, 2 multiplied by itself 57,885,161 times, less one, has 17,425,170 digits.
There is no greatest prime number.
47 is the greatest prime number under 50.
The greatest prime factor they have in common is 2.
Divide it with primes less than half of the number.
Oh, dude, the whole number with the greatest prime factor between 1 and 30 is 30 itself. The greatest prime factor of 30 is 5, which is the largest prime number between 1 and 30. So, yeah, 30 takes the crown for this one.
Though we do not know the greatest (known) prime number, there is no reason or proof that a larger one does not exist.So there is no greatest prime number any more than there is a greatest number.
There is no greatest prime number.
8243 is a prime number, but there is no greatest prime number.
The largest known prime number is 243112609 - 1, the largest integer that is currently known to be a prime number. It was proven by Euclid that there are infinitely many prime numbers; thus, there is always a prime greater than the largest known prime.
The greatest prime number of 5141 is 71.
43 is the greatest prime number of 860
well in the number 7493 the number 7 is the greatest prime number
There is no such thing as a largest prime number as there are infinitely many, but the largest known prime is a Mersenne Prime (one less than a power of two) - 257,885,161- 1.
Prime numbers are discovered, as they exist as part of number theory. As of April 2011, the largest known prime number is 243,112,609 − 1. This number was discovered in 2008 by Edson Smith, a systems administrator at UCLA.
The greatest prime number below 25 is 23.
47 is the greatest prime number under 50.
the greatest prime number less than 200 is 199