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Q: What is the greatest number of digits a product could have if a 4 digit number is multiplied by a 2 digit number?
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How many digits would be in the product 2 multiplied 30 times?

When a number is multiplied by itself, its product is called its exponent. When a number is multiplied by itself 30 times, this is the number's 30th exponent, or its 30th power. Two multiplied by two 30 times is 1,073,741,824. It has 10 digits.

What is the greatest number of digits a product could have if a 4-digit number is multiplied by a 2-digit number?


What number is twice the product of its 2 digits multiplied?

36 is twice the product of its digits multiplied. 3 times 6 equals 18, and 18 times 2 equals 36.

When you multiply a 3 digit number by a 2 digit number what is the greatest number of digits the product can have?

It can have up to 5 digits.

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That number is infinite. There is no number so large that it cannot be multiplied by 11.

What is the greatest product of a 2 digit number multiplied by a 1 digit number?

2 digit number

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Since the greatest digit is 9 and the greatest 2-digit number is 99, the product of them is 891.

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