94 is the greatest two-digit whole number that when rounded to the nearest ten rounds to a two-digit number.
Any number, however big (or small) can be rounded to the nearest ten thousand. 0, rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 0 5001 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 10,000 123,123,123,123,123,123 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 123,123,123,123,120,000 and so on.
'94' rounded to the nearest tens is '90'.
52499 to the nearest thousand.
Rounded off to the nearest whole number it is 92
Rounded off to the nearest whole number it is 73
Any number can be rounded to the neaest million.
4900 and 4940
44 to the nearest ten
864.749 to the nearest tenth
Any number, however big (or small) can be rounded to the nearest ten thousand. 0, rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 0 5001 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 10,000 123,123,123,123,123,123 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 123,123,123,123,120,000 and so on.