There is no such thing as a 'highest common multiple', but the least common multiple or LCM can be found using prime numbers. The LCM of the given numbers is the product of all different prime factors to their greatest power. If there are no exponents, the greatest power of the prime factors is 1 and each different prime factor is used in the multiplication:
prime factors of 210 are 2 x 3 x 5 x 7;
prime factors of 147 are 3 x 72;
the LCM of 210 and 147 is 2 x 3 x 5 x 72 = 1470
The least common multiple of two different prime numbers is the product of those two prime numbers.
If the least common multiple of two numbers equals the product of the two numbers, then the numbers are relatively prime, that is their highest common factor is 1. For example, the numbers 10 and 21: The lcm is 10 x 21 = 210 They are relatively prime since their hcf is 1.
There is no LCM for less than two numbers. LCM is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors in two or more numbers. Example: LCM of 9, 15, and 25 is 225, which is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors in 9, 15, and 25 (32 x 52).
LCM is 182, which is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors in the given numbers (2 x 7 x 13).
There is no LCM of a single number. LCM is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors in two or more numbers. Example: LCM of 9, 15, and 25 is 225, which is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors in 9, 15, and 25 (32 x 52).
All prime numbers are special numbers because they help us to find the lowest common multiple of numbers and their highest common factor.
The knowledge of prime numbers is useful when finding the lowest common multiple or the highest common factor of two or more numbers.
By multiplying the highest prime factors in exponential terms found in two or more numbers
To find out the difference between prime numbers and composite numbers because prime numbers are useful in finding the lowest common multiple of numbers or the highest common factor of numbers.
It is: 630 by multiplying the highest prime factors of both numbers
They can help you to find the Lowest Common Multiple and Highest Common Factor of numbers which is useful when dealing with fractions.
The least common multiple of two different prime numbers is the product of those two prime numbers.
No.When talking about factors and multiples the numbers are integers (whole numbers).A factor of a number means that the number is a multiple of the factor; the factor divides into the number without any remainder.There is no such thing as a Highest Common Multiple - it is always possible to find a higher common multiple (by adding the Lowest Common Multiple to the supposed highest common multiple).There is a Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) which is the smallest number which is a multiple of two or more numbers. It is also called the Least Common Multiple, or when working with fractions it can be referred to as the Least Common Denominator as the two or more numbers are the denominators of the fractions and equivalent fractions are being sought to be able to do an addition or subtraction.There is a Highest Common Factor (HCF) which is the largest number which divides into each of the two or more numbers without remainder. It is also called the Greatest Common Factor. If the numbers are relatively prime (or co-prime) their HCF is 1.
If the least common multiple of two numbers equals the product of the two numbers, then the numbers are relatively prime, that is their highest common factor is 1. For example, the numbers 10 and 21: The lcm is 10 x 21 = 210 They are relatively prime since their hcf is 1.
Because understanding rational and whole numbers and in particular prime numbers it is useful when finding the lowest common multiple or the highest common factor of numbers.
The product of all pairs of prime numbers is always the least common multiple of the two prime numbers.
There is no LCM for less than two numbers. LCM is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors in two or more numbers. Example: LCM of 9, 15, and 25 is 225, which is the multiple of the highest power of prime factors in 9, 15, and 25 (32 x 52).