The LCM of 11 and 121 is 121. Since 11 is a factor of 121, 121 is automatically the LCM of the set.
The least common multiple of 3 and 11 is 33.333333
The least Common Multiple (LCM) of 5 and 11 is 55.55
There is not a least common multiple of a single number, such as 11, because there cannot be a least common multiple without two or more numbers to compare. Common multiples are multiples that the numbers being compared have in common. The least common multiple is the smallest multiple that all the numbers being compared have in common.Examples:The least common multiple of 3 and 11 is 33.The least common multiple of 11 and 77 is 77.The least common multiple of 2, 5, and 11 is 110.Note: Since 11 is a prime number, if the other number is not a multiple of 11, the least common multiple will be 11 times the other number.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 11 17 is 187. All you do is find the multiples of 11 and on the 17th one you'll get 187 and for 17 on the 11th multiple will be 187 and that their Least Common Multiple.
The least common multiple of the numbers 9, 11, 5 and 7 is 3,465.
The LCM is: 121
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 121 77 11 is 847.
The LCM of 11, 55, and 121 is 605
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 11, 27, and 121 is 3,267.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 11 77 121 is 847.
The least common multiple (LCM) of 33, 121, and 11 is 363.
The LCM is 847.
11 and 121
The LCM of 8, 11, and 121 is 968. 121 is already a multiple of 11 so you don't need to find 11 alone. You need to find the LCM of 8 and 121. 968 is the answer
To find the least common multiple you first need to identify the prime factors of the two numbers. In this case: 99 = 3x3x11 121 = 11x11 The next step is to identify any common factors and discard the duplicate. In this case, both numbers have 11 as a common factor, so we can discard one, leaving us with 3, 3, 11 and 11. Multiply these together to find the LCM: 3x3x11x11=1,089 Thus the least common multiple of 99 and 121 is 1,089
What is the least common multiple of 11 23?