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Mark up would be 130.

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Q: What is the mark up on 100 percent on 130.00?
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How do you find out the cost of a item from retail with a 100 percent mark-up?

A 100% mark up doubles the selling price.

What is the formula of mark up percent?

what you do is you divide 100 by the amount the test was out of then times your answer by your mark

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33/100 times 18 ie;5.94

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It is A*(1+B/100) which equals A + A*B/100

How do you calculate the cost if you know the selling price and mark up percent?

If the selling price is S and the Mark-up is M% then the cost, C*(1 + M/100) = S So that C = S/(1+M/100) = 100*S/(100 + M)

How would you mark up 4843.75 by 32 percent?

Percent or percentage equates to hundredths So, 32% of a number is the same as multiplying that number by 32/100 Then 32% of 4843.75 is, 4843.75 x 32/100 = 1550 Then the value after mark up is, 4843.75 + 1550 = 6593.75. Alternatively, we can find 132% of 4843.75 and this will provide the value after mark up without the need for adding the mark up value to the original value. 4843.75 x 132/100 = 6393.75.

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The original mark up was 50%.

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How do you find the cost of a item if you know the markup cost 130.50 and the markup percentage 58 percent?

mark-up a percentage of the cost. → mark-up price = cost + cost × percentage = cost × 100% + cost × percentage = cost × (100% + percentage) → cost = mark-up price ÷ (100% + percentage) → cost = 130.50 ÷ (100% + 58%) = 130.50 ÷ 158% = 130.50 ÷ (158/100) = 130.50 × 100/158 ≈ 82.59 (There are rounding errors in this as 82.59 × 158% ≈ 130.49, and 82.60 × 158% ≈ 130.51; 82.59½ × 158% ≈ 130.50.)