the meaning of it is to stop people from using a program to spam or do something to you or your servers. They are needed
A cubit = 1.5 feet so a cubit foot = 1.5 square feet, is a measure of area. The amount of natural gas required to heat a space needs a volume measure, a measurement in terms of its area is without any meaning.
First you get a tape measure and go from one side to another
a measure tape or a big ruler
Impossible to convert an area measure to a volume measure
To measure for a bra loosely wrap the measuring tape around your chest at nipple level.
An antibot is a series of small plates fitted to crampons to prevent the buildup of snow.
7 sides
To measure heat temperature. (thermo- meaning heat; -meter meaning measure)
The medical term meaning to measure through is "percutaneous."
Meaning that both items that you measure have the same measure
The root meaning of mold is "smallest measure".
"Exo-" is a prefix that can be used to convey the meaning of "measure."
a cup
meter measure
Isometric means pertaining to equal measure.
It is a measure of how dense foam is.