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A 6 should be placed between the fours.

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Q: What is the missing number in this line from pascal's triangle 1 4 4 1?
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What is the 8th line in pascals triangle?

1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 56, 28, 8, 1 I hope that helps

What is the missing number in the sequence?

What is the missing number in the sequence is a Math question under the Sequences lesson. In this type of question, a line of numbers is listed with one or more numbers missing, so that the student has to work out what the number is.

How many symmetric line has the triangle?

The number of lines of symmetry of a triangle depends on what triangle you are talking about. An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry (one corresponding to each altitude). An isosceles triangle (that is not equilateral) has one line of symmetry. Other triangles have none.

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What did Pythagoras discover?

He discovered how to find the length of the missing side of a right triangle, so if there was a 5 cm line and a 4 cm line he could tell the length of the other line on a triangle. The answer to the 5 cm by 4 cm would be 3 cm. That is his famous 5, 4, 3 triangle. The formula for it is A squared plus B squared equals C squared.

Fill in the missing numbers on the number line 7----77?

ghat out of here NHL

How do you decipher the next line of a number triangle math puzzle?

It depends on what the first numbers are.

How do you find the height of a triangle with a base of 16meters and the side that is not the height 18meters?

If it is a right triangle, use the Pythagorean theorem. If it is iscossolese or scalene, draw line down middle, use pythagorean theorem to solve for missing side.

Is triangle a line segment?

No. A triangle contains three line segments.

What type of triangle has 1 line of symmetry?

An equilateral triangle and an isoceles triangle have one line of symmetry.

Can you show me a triangle with only one line of symmetry?

An Isosceles triangle has at least one line of symmetry but if it has more than one line of symmetry it can be an Equilateral triangle as well as a Isosceles Triangle. So a triangle with one line of symmetry is always Isosceles and If it has more than one it is always an Equilateral triangle as well as an Isosceles triangle. Example of an Isosceles triangle: