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The prime factorization of the number at the top

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Q: What is the name of the equation that you use on the prime numbers left over after a factor tree?
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What is a diagram used to identify the prime factors of a number?

A factor tree is very useful when identifying the prime factors of a number. You draw two lines off of it and write two numbers that multiply together to make that number. If one of the numbers cannot be divided any further, then circle it. That is a prime number. Draw two lines off of numbers that can be divided further, so you have multiple branches dividing off into certain numbers. Once all the numbers have been divided down, you are left with prime numbers which you can then multiply to get back to the original number.

What are all the composite numbers under 100?

So we eliminate prime numbers. Note that the number 1 is neither prime nor composite. We have left:4689101214151618202122242526272830323334353638394042444546484950515254555657586062636465666869707274757677788081828485868788909192939495969899100

How do you a factor ladder?

In order to do a factor you need to draw 3 lines vertical and 3 horizontal.Then you write the numbers on the lower left squares.Then on the far left side you put a number that goes into both numbers.You keep on going until the numbers are simplified the most.The top first numbers are the smallest fractions you can get. The to find the least common multiple you multiply all the left numbers and all the numbers on top.To find the greateset common factor you multiply all the numbers on the left side.If you need help email me at :

What are the prime numbers over 50?

Work It Out By Drawing A Grid, Eliminate the 2 Times Tables, Then 3, Then 5, Then 7, Then 11, Then 13, And All The Primes, And Your Be Left With The Higher Prime Numbers :D

What are the rectangular numbers between 1-100?


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What are the highest common factor of 133 and 259?

factor out both numbers until only prime numbers are left. 133=7*19 259=37*7 you would multiply together all the common factors, which in this case is just 7, to get the greatest common factor of 7

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The long but fool-proof way is to find the complete prime factorisation of the number. Then group all the factors into pairs, rejecting any that cannot be paired. The product of the numbers that are left is the largest square factor.

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Break each part of the fraction down into prime numbers and then remove the prime numbers that make up the greatest common factor. What you are left with is the reduced fraction. 10/30 10 = 1 x 2 x 5 30 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 5 GCF = 2 x 5 = 10 The greatest common factor numbers are 2 & 5; when these numbers are removed you are left with 1/3, which is 10/30 reduced.

What is a diagram used to identify the prime factors of a number?

A factor tree is very useful when identifying the prime factors of a number. You draw two lines off of it and write two numbers that multiply together to make that number. If one of the numbers cannot be divided any further, then circle it. That is a prime number. Draw two lines off of numbers that can be divided further, so you have multiple branches dividing off into certain numbers. Once all the numbers have been divided down, you are left with prime numbers which you can then multiply to get back to the original number.

What are all the composite numbers under 100?

So we eliminate prime numbers. Note that the number 1 is neither prime nor composite. We have left:4689101214151618202122242526272830323334353638394042444546484950515254555657586062636465666869707274757677788081828485868788909192939495969899100

How do you a factor ladder?

In order to do a factor you need to draw 3 lines vertical and 3 horizontal.Then you write the numbers on the lower left squares.Then on the far left side you put a number that goes into both numbers.You keep on going until the numbers are simplified the most.The top first numbers are the smallest fractions you can get. The to find the least common multiple you multiply all the left numbers and all the numbers on top.To find the greateset common factor you multiply all the numbers on the left side.If you need help email me at :

How do you factor a number into its prime factor?

It's pretty simple. Just factor the number until the numbers are prime. Prime numbers are numbers that can no longer be factored. It can't be divided by anything else but itself, and the number 1. 17 is prime because it can't be divided by anything besides 17 and 1, but 16 is not prime because it can be divided by 4. Let's say you have 32. To factor this number into its prime factor, just take out factors of 32 until you can no longer do so. Since 16 x 2 = 32, we can take 16 out of 32 to make 16 x 2. 16 can still be factored further. Since 4 x 4 = 16, we take apart 16 into 4 x 4. Now we are left with 4 x 4 x 2. The two 4's in the problem can be factored into 2 x 2, which would leave us at 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, or 25.

What two items must be equal for a nuclear equation to be balanced?

In a balanced nuclear equation, the sum of the mass numbers on the right must equal the sum on the left

What is -4 plus -5 plus 2 plus -9 equals 0?

That is not a correct equation. The numbers on the left equal -16, not 0. This is an equation with no solution.

How can you use prime factorization to find other factor in the pair?

All of the factors of a number are contained within the prime factorization in various combinations.The prime factorization of 210 is 2 x 3 x 5 x 7. If I gave you the number 6 (2 x 3) you would know that the other number in the factor pair is the other two numbers, 5 x 7 or 35. If I gave you 15 (3 x 5) you would be able to find 14 (2 x 7)

What do you count to decide whether or not an equation is balanced?

If you count all of the atoms of each element on the left and all the atoms of each element on the right and the numbers on the left and right are equal for EVERY element, then the equation is balanced.

What are the factors and prime factors of 185?

The factors are 1, 5, 37, and 185. Factoring 185: 185 is actually an easy number to factor (or break down) into primes.1. This is done using division. The first step is to divide 185 by some small number that you know is prime. Clearly, 185 is divisible by 5. Do that division.2. Because 185 is evenly divisible by 5, and 5 is a prime number, then 5 is a prime factor of 185. If there's anything that you take away from this answer here, this is the most important thing. It's the definition of prime factors.3. After the division by 5, you have an answer left over, the quotient. Now you need to factor that quotient, if it is not already prime, by going to back to step one and using a trial division.4. Repeat 1-3 until you cant divide the answers further, and all you have left are prime numbers. When you multiply these numbers together, you will get 185 if you did everything correctly.HINT: 185 has only 2 prime factors, 5 and 37Prime factors of 185 are 5 and 37