It is 2,100 when rounded to the nearest hundred
To the nearest hundredth: 7.84 To the nearest hundred: Zero
To the nearest hundredth: 7.11 To the nearest hundred: zero
Zero to the nearest hundred and 5.17 to the nearest hundredth.
17 x 22 = 374 To the nearest hundred: 400 To the nearest ten: 370 To the nearest one: 374
In 54.374 the nearest hundredth relates to the .374 part. The nearest hundred to 374 is 400. So the answer is 54.400 or 54.4
600 x 400 = 240,000
It is 2,100 when rounded to the nearest hundred
647*3.74=2419.78NoteJust remember that per cent means out of hundred, so 374 percent means 374 divided by 100. And you multiply to get the percentage.
To the nearest hundredth: 7.84 To the nearest hundred: Zero
Zero is the nearest hundred. 6.56 is the nearest hundredth.
To the nearest hundredth: 7.11 To the nearest hundred: zero
Zero to the nearest hundred and 5.17 to the nearest hundredth.