... 47, 53, 59 ... As you can see there is no Prime Number 50 in the partial list to the left, unless it is 53?
53 is a prime number.
53 is prime53 is prime because its only factors are 1 and itself. A prime number only has two factors, 1 and the number itself. A composite number has factors besides 1 and itself.53 is a Prime Number.
53 is a prime number; no other number other than 1 and itself can go into it.
53 is the next
A balanced prime number is a prime number that is equal distance from the last prime before it and the next prime after it. Example: 53 is a balanced prime. The last prime number before it was 47 and the next prime after it is 59. (53 - 47) and (59 - 53) both equal 6, so 53 is a balanced prime.
53 is the next prime number greater than 49.
The next prime number after 50 (which is not prime) is 53.
... 47, 53, 59 ... As you can see there is no Prime Number 50 in the partial list to the left, unless it is 53?
53 is the next one.
53 is a prime number.
53 itself. It is a prime number.
Yes, 53 is the 16th prime number.
53 is a prime number
53 is a prime number.