Two hundred and eighty million = 280,000,000
Five hundred thirty-seven thousandths.
The number 45 is written in words by writing the word for the number 40 and combining, or adding, it to the word for the number 5. Therefore, the way to write the number 45 is forty-five.
0.0089 is already a decimal number and it is written as eighty nine ten thousandths in words.
23.8 is a number, so it is already written that way. To write it in words would be twenty-three point eight.
Two hundred and eighty million = 280,000,000
280000000 = 2.8 x 108
49% of 280,000,000= 49% * 280000000= 0.49 * 280000000= 137,200,000
two hundred eighty million
It is: 2.8*10^8
two hundred and eighty million 280,000,000
A number written using numerals and words would still be considered a number, but it can't be like 5000 or Twenty because 5000 is only made up of numbers, and Twenty is made up of words. The answer would have to be something like 5 Thousand or 2 Tens. Hope this helped!
The number 400 is written in words as four hundred.
Nineteen million.