Fifty nine million in figures is written as 59,000,000. This number is composed of two digits in the millions place (5 and 9), followed by six zeros to represent the magnitude of millions. In numerical form, this represents a quantity of 59 million units.
In words 'Two million , three hundred and forty thousand'. In figures '2,340,000'.
It is: 690 to two significant figures
Two of them
Two of them
2,500,000 two million, five hundred thousand
As a number it is: 2,500,000 = 2.5 million
2,500,000 is two and a half million, or two million five hundred thousand. Remember, million always has 6 places behind the first number, so that should help you with future math problems.
Expressed in figures, the number two hundred and ninety-five million is written 295,000,000.
two and a half million
The number 2500000 or 2,500,000 is "two million, five hundred thousand." It can also be 2.5 million (two-and-a-half million).
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 2,004,002.