30. one million trillion trillion
1 trillion
One trillion: 1,000,000,000,000 Two billion: 2,000,000,000 Five million: 5,000,000
5 trillion = 5,000,000,000,000 337 billion = 337,000,000,000 585 million = 585,000,000
Seventy-million. if you meant in numerical form, then 70 million.
numerical value of million is 1000000 or 1 x 106.
Under the current "short scale" of numeration, a "trillion" is one thousand billion or 1012. (The superceded "long scale" used names that increased by a factor of one million, making the old billion 1012 and the old trillion 1018.) So a trillion = one thousand billion or one million million
Ten lakhs
About 3 million times the value of 3 million dollars.
a trillion
Three hundred million-millions, for short scale countries like America, and Three million-million-millions, long scale countries. A trillion is not a numerical equivalent.
The standard or numerical form is 347,060,076,982,002
One million is 1 x 106 or just 106 or 1,000,000 as we write it out.
A million trillion is a quintillion.