There is no opposite. Decimal is one of many ways of representing numbers. The other ways: binary, octal, hexadecimal etc are equivalent alternatives, not opposites.
.124. You just move the decimal point back two places and slap on the percentage point, and vice versa for the opposite.
to make decimal into percentage, you move the decimal 2 places to the right. so 0.42 would be 42% .4 would be 40% also it's the same for the percentage to be in decimal, but the opposite. move the decimal 2places to the left. 42% would be .42 9.7% would be .097 i hope it helped you :)
what is the opposite of 1.6, can't find the answer by cheating lol and I'm dumb.
It is not. For positive powers of ten, the decimal point moves to the right when multiplying and to the left when dividing. For negative powers of ten the point moves in the opposite directions.
It's pretty simple. Every percent is out of 100. There is no possible percent higher than one hundred. So, when a percent needs to be changed into a decimal, you move it 2 decimal points to the left. This is so because percent means parts of 100, where 100 has 2 zeros. For example: 80% is 80/100. 80/100 = .8, so you move the decimal point two times to the left. When you rewrite a decimal as a percent, you do the opposite; move it two decimal points to the right. Make sure that the decimal is not greater than one because one is equal to 100% and as I said before, nothing can be greater than 100%. For example: .9934 = 99.34% or 99.34/100; move the decimal two to the right. I hope that helps.
Ordinary decimal notation
The answer depends on what you mean by "opposite": whether it is the additive inverse or the multiplicative inverse.
The question is based on a false premise: the opposite of a decimal is not a whole. A decimal is simply a way of representing a number is such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. Therefore 4 is a decimal, 2.75 is a decimal. There are different ways of defining opposite. The additive opposites of the two numbers are -4 and -2.75 so one of them is a whole number, the other is not. The multiplicative opposites are 0.25 and 0.3636... so neither of them are whole.
No. A decimal is a way of representing a quantity so that the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the number to its right. So the opposite would be to find a way not to represent a number?! What is the point of that?
.124. You just move the decimal point back two places and slap on the percentage point, and vice versa for the opposite.
Percents are arrived at by multiplying the decimal by 100. In this case, you we would do the opposite and divide the percent by 100. Therefore: 98.4/100=.984
Where a number is showing some decimal points and you want to decrease the amount of decimal points it shows, you can use the decrease decimal button to do it. Each time you click it, it will remove one decimal place until you have the amount you want or all are gone. There is also a corresponding increase decimal button, which does the opposite.
The ratio of the opposite side over the adjacent side is called the tangent.Expressing the fraction (opposite/adjacent) as a decimal, you can find the angle by looking in a table of values for the tangents of various angles.
The fraction 75/100 is equivalent to 3/4 in its lowest terms or 0.75 as a decimal
It is not. For positive powers of ten, the decimal point moves to the right when multiplying and to the left when dividing. For negative powers of ten the point moves in the opposite directions.
opposite^2+adjacent^2=hypotenuse^2 ____________ X=/hypotenuse^2 One decimal place would be, for example. 22.7 cm