

What is the opposite of any integer?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The additive opposite of the additive opposite is the number itself.

The multiplicative opposite of the multiplicative opposite is the number itself, unless the number was 0, in which case the first opposite is not defined.

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Q: What is the opposite of any integer?
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Do integers have to have an opposite or just be a positive or negative number?

An integer is just a whole number, excluding zero. Any positive integer will always have an opposite just by placing a negative sign in front of the positive integer. You can also say that any negative whole number is an integer.

Is the opposite of an integer an integer?

yes. the opposite of a positive integer is the same except negative and vice versa ( ex: the opposite integer of -6 is 6. if you multiply them, it equals zero)

Is the quotient of an integer and its opposite always positive?

the quotient of an integer and its opposite is never negative.

What shapes have opposite angles congruent?

Any polygon with 2n sides (n integer) where opposite sides are parallel, will have its opposite angles congruent.

What is -0.6 when rounded to the nearest integer?

-1 (interagers are any number and its opposite/negative.)

What is the opposite word for the integer number?

A non-integer.

What is the opposite integer of 1?

The answer depends on the context for opposite. Common opposites are the additive or multiplicative inverses but any invertible function can be used to define an opposite.

What is the opposite of a positive integer?

a negative integer or a fraction (as in 1/integer) or a negative fraction (as in -1/integer).

What is the sum of an integer and its opposite integer will always be zero?
