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A composite number is a number that has more divisors than 1 and itself.

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An integer that is greater than 1 but not prime is a composite number.

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Q: What is the opposite word for the prime number?
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Is 29 a prime number composite?

No, because prime and a composite number are the opposite and cannot be the same.

What is the opposite of a prime number?

The 'opposite' status of a number that is not prime is a composite number.Except for 0 and 1, all numbers that are not prime (i.e. they are multiples of other numbers) are called composite numbers.The opposite of a prime number would be a number that is not prime. Almost all numbers that are not prime are composite numbers. A prime number is a number that has exactly two factors. A composite number has more than two factors. However, composite numbers do not include all numbers that are not prime. The number 1 has only one factor, so it is neither prime nor composite - it is unity.

What is the opposite of a compositive number?

A composite number is any whole number that isn't a prime number or 1. A prime number is a whole number that is only divisible by itself and 1.

What is the opposite word of system?

The opposite of Word Of System is Number Of System

Why does mathematicians decide not to call 1 a prime number?

1 is not a prime number because it can be evenly divided by itself and by 1, the opposite as per the definition of a prime number.

Is zero a prime or square number or both?

This is an odd question. I hope you understand that a "square number" is not the opposite of a prime number. Zero is not a prime. Zero is a "square number" since 02=0.

What is the opposite of a composite number in math?

A composite number is any whole number that isn't a prime number or 1. A prime number is a number that is only divisible itself and 1.

Is a composite number the opposite of a prime number?

Technically they are not but they are different, being the opposite subset of integers. Any integer other than 0 or 1 is either prime or composite. A prime number has only two factors which are 1 and itself. A composite number has factors that include other primes.

What is the word for prime factors of a number?

The prime factorization

Are composite numbers the opposite of prime?

Composite numbers are distinct from prime numbers, but not completely opposite.

What even number is not composite?

The number 2 is even, and prime, the opposite of composite. A prime number is one with no other factors besides itself and 1.

What is a number that can be divided by some number number other than itself and one is called what?

The opposite of a prime number is a composite number.