The LCM is 78.
The GCF of 26, 52, and 78 is 26.
.20 x + .01(26) = (x + 26)(.04) .2 x + .26 = .04 x + 1.04 .18 x = .78 x = 4.33333 g
78% of 100% = 0.78
To find 78 percent of 128, you would multiply 128 by 0.78 (which is the decimal form of 78 percent). So, 128 x 0.78 = 99.84. Therefore, 78 percent of 128 is 99.84.
26 percent of 300 is 78.
It is 78
78% = 78/100 or 39/50
The LCM is 78.
Multiply them by 100 to change them into percentages
The GCF of 26, 52, and 78 is 26.
3 x 26 = 78.
Since 26 is a factor of 78, all the factors of 26 are common to 78.