Expressed as a percentage, 2/3 is equal to 66.6 recurring (that is, 66.6666...) percent.
To convert a fraction to a percentage, you can multiply the fraction by 100. In this case, 2/3 multiplied by 100 is equal to 66.67%. Therefore, two thirds is equal to approximately 66.67%.
Two thirds is 2/3. To convert to decimals, divide three into two. You will get a decimal number that never ends, 0.6666... That is the string of sixes goes on forever if you want to be uselessly accurate. As a percentage, 2/3 is 66.6666%
two thirds in percentage is 66.6666666666666% (goes on forever) it is actually 66.7%
It will be 16.666 repeating
66.66 repeating
2/3 = 66.67%
two thirds.
2/3 = 662/3 %
Two thirds in percentage is equal to 66.67%. It can be obtained by multiplying two divided by three by hundred.
2/3 is the same as 66.66&
Expressed as a percentage, 2/3 is equal to 66.6 recurring (that is, 66.6666...) percent.