Twelve. Four squared is sixteen less four is twelve.
The prime number which comes immediately before 30 is 29.
Eight hundred million twelve hundred in number form is 800,001,200
12.9 IS a decimal number. It is twelve and nine tenths.
The number is twelve trillion.
Your serial number is missing a letter and/or a letter/number preceding or above the 21536. This information is needed to determine the year of manufacture. Please re-check and ask the question again. Thank you.
Eee eee egcde or eee eee efcde
eee eee egcde fff ffe eee ddedg eee eee egcde fff ffeee gfdc
Eee- Aww! Eee- Aww! Eee- Aww! Eee- Aww! Eee- Aww!
12, twelve, it's a number!
Your serial number is missing a letter and/or a letter/number preceding or above the 7325. This information is needed to determine the year of manufacture. Please re-check and ask the question again. Thank you.
serial number is incomplete. add the letter above or preceding 20023
The number 12 is "twelve" and the number 12th is "twelfth."
Your serial number is missing a letter and/or a letter/number preceding or above the 13043. This information is needed to determine the year of manufacture. Please re-check and ask the question again. Thank you.