If I were to make a numeral prefix for zero, it would be "no" as in:
Nothing - zero things
Nobody - zero
No. A negative number is a number below zero, not zero itself.The number zero is neither negative nor positive.
Zero is both.
Yes. Every integer is a factor of zero. Zero is in fact the only number that can be divided by zero, so zero is also a factor. Zero has an infinite number of factors.
Zero is a an integer and, since all integers are real numbers, zero is a real number.
Zero is the only scuh number.
As a number 0.0018 Note the addition of the prefix zero. In words it is said as 'Zero point zero zero one eight'.
Depends on the place the 'zero' is in a given number. '10' Zero is significant ificiant 010 The prefix zero is insignificant. 10.01 Both zeroes are significant 10.010 The suffix zero in insignificant
The prefix for zero is "nul-" or "null-". This prefix is derived from the Latin word "nullus," meaning "none" or "zero." It is commonly used in scientific and technical contexts to indicate a lack of quantity or value.
non zero
Remove the leading zero of the English number, then prefix it with the code +44 or 011-44
The prefix for nothing is "null-" or "zero-".
The prefix "bi-" indicates the number two.
Much greater.
There is no special SI prefix for the number 3.
The prefix for the number 5 is "penta-".
As 037 it is an ordinary number , with a trivial prefix zero. It reads 037 = 37. You need to indicate the position of the decimak point.
Did u mean how to make a number zero?. If so, then the answer is to make a number zero, it is needed to multiply the number with Zero .