To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 34, 51, and 102, we first need to find the prime factors of each number. The prime factors of 34 are 2 and 17, the prime factors of 51 are 3 and 17, and the prime factors of 102 are 2, 3, and 17. The GCF is the product of the common prime factors raised to the lowest power, which in this case is 17. Therefore, the GCF of 34, 51, and 102 is 17.
Greatest common factor of 51 and 34 is 17.
No, 51 is not a prime number. A prime number is a number that has only itself and 1 as a factor. 51's factors are 1,3,17, and 51.
3 is a factor of 51, and 3 is also the largest factor of itself, so 3 is the greatest common factor. The factors of 3 are 1 and 3. The factors of 51 are 1, 3, 17, and 51. The common factors are 1 and 3. Therefore, the greatest common factor is 3. The greatest common factor can also be calculated by identifying the common prime factors and multiplying them together. The prime factor of 3 is 3. The prime factors of 51 are 3 and 17. The common prime factors are a single 3, so the greatest common factor is 3.
The GCF of 34, 51, and 82 is 1.The prime factorization of 34 is 2*17The prime factorization of 61 is 3*17The prime factorization of 82 is 2*41Since the three integers have no common factor, they are coprime, and their GCF is 1.
No, 51 isn't prime. 17 is the largest prime factor of 306.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 34 51 119 is 714.
The Greatest Common Factor of 51 and 34 is 17.
Greatest common factor of 51 and 34 is 17.
The factors of 34 are: 1, 2, 17, and 34.The prime factors of 34 are: 2 and 17.The factors of 51 are: 1, 3, 17, and 51.The prime factors of 51 are: 3 and 17.
The factors of 34 are:1, 2, 17, 34The factors of 51 are:1, 3, 17, 51The common factors are:1, 17The Greatest Common Factor:GCF = 17
No. 34 is composite and so it cannot be a prime factor.
The GCF of 51 and 34 is 17.
The greatest common factor of 34, 51, and 102 is 17.