109 113 127 131
Prime numbers between 135 and 145 are: 137 and 139.
A prime number is a number that is not divisible into whole numbers, except by itself and one. 135 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 5 with a ressulting quotient of 27.
10.8 is what percent of 135= 10.8 / 135= 0.08Converting decimal to a percentage:0.08 * 100 = 8%
3x3x3x5 are prime factors of the number 135
The numbers 109, 113, 127 and 131 are prime.
109 113 127 131
A Prime number is a number that is not divisible into whole numbers, except by itself and one. 135 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 5 with a ressulting quotient of 27.
To find 135 percent of a number, multiply the number by 1.35. In this instance, 1.35 x 80 = 108. Therefore, 135 percent of 80 is equal to 108.
For any two counting numbers x and y:LCM(x, y) x HCF(x, y) = Product of x and yLCM(x, y) = (Product of x and y)/HCF(x, y)Here, we have 108 and 135 & their product = 108 x 135But, HCF(108, 135) = ?So, we shall first calculate HCF by the method of prime factorization.108 = 33x22 & 135 = 33x51It is clear that 33 is the HCF of 108 and 135.So, LCM(108, 135) = (108 x 135)/33 = 4 x 135 = 540
Prime numbers between 135 and 145 are: 137 and 139.
A prime number is a number that is not divisible into whole numbers, except by itself and one. 135 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 5 with a ressulting quotient of 27.
108 as a percentage of 135 is 80%
108 plus 27 equals 135.
As a product of its prime factors: 3*3*3*5 = 135 or as 33*5 = 135
10.8 is what percent of 135= 10.8 / 135= 0.08Converting decimal to a percentage:0.08 * 100 = 8%