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It is 3:1.

This is because volume of a cone is pi/3*r*r*h while vol of a cylinder is pi*r*r*h.

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Q: What is the ratio of volume of a cone to the volume of a cylinder with same ratio?
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What is the ratio of the radii of a cone and a cylinder if they have the same volume and height?

Let the cylinder have radius R and height h Let the cone have radius r and same height h Then: Volume cylinder = πr²h Volume cone = ⅓πR²h If the volume are equal: ⅓πR²h = πr²h → ⅓R² = r² → R² = 3r² → R = √3 r → ratio radii cone : cylinder = 1 : √3

The volume of a cone compared to the volume of a cylinder?

If the area of the base and the height of the cylinder and the cone are the same, then the volume of the cone will always be one third of the volume of the cylinder.

How is the volume of a cone related to the volume of the cylinder with the same radius and height?

The cone has 1/3 of the volume of the cylinder.

How is the volume of a cone and a cylinder related?

The volume of a cone is 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder with the same radius and height

What is the formula of area of cone?

The volume of a cone is one third the volume of a cylinder of the same height. The volume of a cylinder is πr2h, so the volume of a cone is 1/3πr2h.

What happen to the volume of cone and cylinder if they have the same base and height?

In that case, the volume will also be the same.

Show that the volume of cylinder is equal to one third the volume of cone?

It isn't. If the cylinder and the cone have the same height and radius, the cylinder has a larger volume (twice as large). If they do not have the same height and radius you need more information to prove their relative volumes.

Which solid has a volume that is 3 times the volume of a cone with the same base and height?

It is a cylinder

If volume of a cone with the same height as cylinder the equation for the radius of cone R in terms of the radius of cylinder r is?

1884 cm3

What is the ratio of the volume of a cylinder to the volume of a cylinder having the same height but twice the radius?

1 to 4

What is the volume of a cone is 13 the volume of a cylinder of the same height and base diameter?

It is 13/3 units.

How much less or more is the volume of a cylinder in comparison to that of a cone with same height and radius of the base?

The volume of a cylinder is three times as much.