310 is 88.8% of 349
The whole number of 25 is bigger than the decimal number 0f 0.39
percentage is 850000 0f 300000000 = 28.33%=850000/300000000 * 100% = 0.2833 * 1% = 28.33%
Oh, dude, one sixth of 200 is like 33.3333... but who's got time for all those decimal points? Let's just call it 33. So, if you're splitting 200 between six friends, each person gets around 33 bucks. Math made easy, right?
310 is 88.8% of 349
The whole number of 25 is bigger than the decimal number 0f 0.39
An even number.
120% 0f 70 is 84
19 is 25% of 76.
Itself because 11 is a prime number.
The value 0f 5 in 450271 is 50,000 (fifty thousand.)
It is 60 because 65% 0f 60 = 39
1 is a factor of 5 which is a prime number