Split the number in half and make an equation adding the two together to make the desired amount. Unless the number that is half the total is prime, adjust the first number down by an amount to make it a prime number, then adjust the second one up by an equal amount and check whether it is also a prime number. If the second number is also a prime number, you have found two prime numbers that equal the desired amount. If not, adjust the first number down to another prime number, repeating the procedure above until you have two prime numbers.If you split 144 in half, the result is 72. Take the equation 72 + 72 = 144. Since 71 is prime, adjust the first number down by 1 and the second number up by 1 to get 71 + 73 = 144. Since 73 is prime, too, you now have two prime numbers that add up to 144.
First write a program to generate the prime number. After one prime number was generated, divide the big int number by the prime number. If the remainder is zero then quotient is the second prime number ( also it is important to check whether the quotient is prime number or not because sometimes you will get wrong answer). Repeat the process until you get the result.
Yes. To be composite, the first number has at least 2 prime factors, the second number also has at least prime factors; the product of the two will have at least 4 prime factors, so it must be a composite number.
You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!
The second prime number after 91 is 101.
If the second number is a multiple of the prime number, than the LCM is the second number. If the second number is not a multiple of the prime number, then the two numbers are relatively prime, and the LCM is the product of the two numbers.
The first prime number that is odd is 3, so the second odd prime number is 5. Some think 1 is the first prime nunber, but 1 is neither prime nor composite.
It is the second prme number. Dear friend whenever you wanted to know a number is prime or composite, use this site. It can tell you if a number is prime or not: prime-calculator dot com. It has lots of other abilities. Enjoy it.
Prime number.
No It is not a prime number. There are two ways you can tell its not prime. First of all, their is only one even number that is prime, and the number would be 2. Second, 74 is a composite number, therefor it cannot be prime. Hope it helps you a bit :)
The greatest factor of any number is the number itself. The second greatest factor of any even number is half the number. The second greatest factor of any composite number is the number divided by its smallest prime factor. The second greatest factor of any prime number is 1.
Split the number in half and make an equation adding the two together to make the desired amount. Unless the number that is half the total is prime, adjust the first number down by an amount to make it a prime number, then adjust the second one up by an equal amount and check whether it is also a prime number. If the second number is also a prime number, you have found two prime numbers that equal the desired amount. If not, adjust the first number down to another prime number, repeating the procedure above until you have two prime numbers.If you split 144 in half, the result is 72. Take the equation 72 + 72 = 144. Since 71 is prime, adjust the first number down by 1 and the second number up by 1 to get 71 + 73 = 144. Since 73 is prime, too, you now have two prime numbers that add up to 144.