

What is the set c?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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βˆ™ 7y ago

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It is the set of all complex numbers.

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Q: What is the set c?
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Each element of C can either be in a particular subset or not in it - two options for each element of C. So if there are n elements in C, then the number of subsets of C is 2n. These include the null set and C itself.

Can you teach me set in maths?

When talking about sets, it is fairly standard to use Capital Letters to represent the set, and lowercase letters to represent an element in that set. So for example, A is a set, and a is an element in A. Same with B and b, and C and c.

If A and B are disjoint and B and C are disjoint are A and C disjoint?

Not necessarily. For a counterexample, A and C could be the same set.

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Can a C-4 explosive be set off by a microwave?

No, a C-4 explosive cannot be set off by a microwave. Microwaves operate on a different wavelength that is not capable of detonating high explosives like C-4. C-4 requires a strong and precise detonation source, such as a blasting cap, to be set off.

How distribute data in C?

You can distribute data in C by creating three live nodes labled A, B, and C. Make the first node the target and set it to dead. Take B and C and set those to dead. The data can then be distributed to and from C without any problems.

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It's the maximum.Probably C, the continuum.The cardinality (count) of the infinite set of integers is Aleph-null. Then C = 2^(Aleph-null).