It is: 36/72 = 1/2
Simplified - it's 1/2
72 over 10072% = 72/100 = 36/50 = 18/25
Percent effectively means per hundred so 72% is 72/100. This fraction can be simplified and becomes 18/25.
To simplify the fraction 122/144, you need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator, which is 2. Divide both the numerator and denominator by 2 to get 61/72. Therefore, the simplified fraction for 122/144 is 61/72.
It is 72/100, which can be simplified, if required.
72 is an integer so the simplified fraction is 72/1
It is: 36/72 = 1/2
45/72 = 5/8
61/72 cannot be simplified.
It is a proper fraction and can be simplified to 25/36 whose square root is 5/6
36 over 72 is equal to 1 over 2, which is a half or 0.5 in decimal.
Yes, 72/80 simplifies to 9/10
72 over 36
Simplified - it's 1/2