70 is the smallest number that has prime factors of 2,5 and 7
The smallest number with three different prime factors is 30.
Starting from beginning we see that 0 has infinite factors so it is a composite number and 1 is neither prime nor composite. The next number is 2 which has only two factors so it is the smallest Prime number.
It is 11 which is a prime number whose factors are itself and one
70 is the smallest number that has prime factors of 2,5 and 7
Logically, the smallest number with 4 different prime factors would have to be the product of the smallest four prime numbers. So the smallest natural number with four different prime factors is 210 (2*3*5*7).
The smallest number with three different prime factors is 30.
There isn't one. Negative numbers have prime factors and numbers don't stop. The smallest positive numbers with a prime factor is 2.
Starting from beginning we see that 0 has infinite factors so it is a composite number and 1 is neither prime nor composite. The next number is 2 which has only two factors so it is the smallest Prime number.
It is 11 which is a prime number whose factors are itself and one
5 and 11