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Q: What is the smallest number with four factors?
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What is the smallest number that has exactly four factors?


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The smallest number that has both twenty-four and thirty as factors is 120.

What is the least number that has 4 different prime factors?

Logically, the smallest number with 4 different prime factors would have to be the product of the smallest four prime numbers. So the smallest natural number with four different prime factors is 210 (2*3*5*7).

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What is the smallest number with exactly four factors?

Among positive integers, 6

What is the smallest number having four factors?

6: 1, 2, 3, 6

What is the third smallest natural number that has exactly four distinct positive factors?


What is the smallest number with 16 factors?

The smallest number with 16 factors is Andrew's Mom.

What is the smallest two digit number with only four factors?

10, which has the factors 1,2,5 and 10. If the trivial pair 1 and the number itself are disallowed, the answer is 12 with factors 2,3,4 and 6.

What is the smallest four-digit number?

This depends on what you mean by smallest. The smallest four-digit whole number is 1,000; the smallest four-digit real number is .0001 (1/10,000); the smallest four-digit integer is -9,999.

What is the smallest number that has 4 different prime factors?

The smallest prime factors are 2,3,5,7 thus the smallest number would be the product of these will be 210