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The smallest pair of numbers with greatest common factor of 850 would be 850 and 1700.

850 x 1 = 850

850 x 2 = 1700

If neither number can be 850, or it is specified that neither number is divisible by the other, the next smallest pair would be 1700 and 2550.

850 x 2 = 1700

850 x 3 = 2550

If both are allowed to be 850 then the pair would be 850 and 850.

850 x 1 = 850

850 x 1 = 850

If 0 is allowed, then it would be 850 and 0.

850 x 0 = 0

850 x 1 = 850

If you have the greatest common factor and multiply it by two different numbers that are relatively prime (in other words, they have no factors in common), you will have a pair of numbers whose greatest common factor is the number given. The smallest pair is 1 and 2, but one number would be divisible by the other. The next smallest pair is 2 and 3, and neither number will be divisible by the other.
1700 and 2550

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Q: What is the smallest two numbers could be if the greatest common factor of the two numbers is 850?
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