A multiple of a number is the product of that number and any whole number.
A negative number. A positive number x a positive number = a positive number A negative number x a negative number = a positive number A positive number x a negative number = a negative Hope this helps :D
what is the boron number in an atomic number/
Your question is incomplete. Adding an even number with an odd number will always result in an odd number. Multiplying an even number with an odd number will always result in an even number.
To determine the orbital hybridization of an atom in a molecule, you can look at the atom's steric number, which is the sum of the number of bonded atoms and lone pairs around the atom. The hybridization is determined by the steric number according to the following guidelines: Steric number 2: sp hybridization Steric number 3: sp2 hybridization Steric number 4: sp3 hybridization Steric number 5: sp3d hybridization Steric number 6: sp3d2 hybridization By identifying the steric number, you can determine the orbital hybridization of the atom in the molecule.
The steric number of carbon disulfide is 2. This is because carbon has two bonded atoms (sulfur), and there are no lone pairs around the central carbon atom. The steric number is determined by the sum of bonded atoms and lone pairs around the central atom.
The steric number of NO2 is 3, which is calculated by adding the number of atoms directly bonded to the central atom (N) and the number of lone pairs on the central atom. In this case, the nitrogen (N) atom is directly bonded to 2 oxygen (O) atoms and has 1 lone pair, giving a steric number of 3.
The oxidation number for O in O3 is -2. In O3, the total charge is 0 because it is a neutral molecule, and the sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms in O3 must equal 0. Since there are 3 oxygen atoms in O3, each with an oxidation number of -2, the total charge balances out.
The oxidation number of each oxygen atom in O3 (ozone) is -2, as it is in most compounds. Since the total charge of O3 is 0, the oxidation number of the central atom (ozone) is 0.
Due to the steric crowding the tetrahedral inter-mediate can't be form and thus esterification can't take place;this is called steric retardation.
The electron-pair geometry corresponding to a steric number of 4 is tetrahedral. This means that there are four electron pairs around the central atom, which results in a molecular geometry with bond angles of approximately 109.5 degrees.
The bond order of O3 is 1.33. This is calculated by taking the average number of bonds between each oxygen atom.
(3) March is the third month.
The structures and properties can be used to describe the relation between a steric hindrance and reactivity.
No, O3 does not have an odd number of valence electrons, it has 12e- Explanation: Oxygen by itself has a total of 6 valence electrons, and since ozone (O3) is made of three Oxygen's it will be 6e- X 3 which yields 18e- . But since these three elements are (covalent) bonded together with a single and double bond you need to subtract 2e- and 4e- which will give us the final answer of 12e- You can now conclude that it has an even number of valence electrons.
Ozone is O3