It depends on which test is used.
Since the requirements for Mensa membership are that you be in the top 2% of the IQ range, you can get specifics by looking at the membership requirements page of the Mensa website (see 'related links').
an IQ of 132 in SD (standard deviation) of 16 and 130 in a SD of 15 , this mean top 2% of world's population according to the bell curve..for more info , search in google.
The requirement is 140 on a standard IQ test. That would be the top 98th percentile.
''Above plant life at least.'' QUOTE. ^^ Not particularly helpful, is it? To qualify for Mensa you have to be in the top 2% of the population, IQ-wise. There is a MENSA test you can take to see whether you qualify or you could take a different IQ test for example CattellB-III. I hope that this helps with your enquiries.
95 You cannot tell your IQ correctly by answering 8 questions. If you really want to know your IQ get tested by a professional. Theese online IQ tests are a complete waste of time.
To convert a fraction to percent, divide the numerator (which also means top number) by the denominator (which also means bottom number). Example: To convert the fraction 3/4 to percent, divide 3 (top number) by 4 (bottom number) and the answer is.75. To convert to percent, move the decimal 2 steps to the right and insert the percent sign on the end: .75 = 75%
The exact number varies from one test to the next. However, as a genius is someone whose IQ is in the top 2 percent, a super genius is someone whose IQ is in the top 2 percent among those people.
It represents an IQ in the top 10 percentile (approximately).
top 14 percent
The minimum acceptable IQ score for admission to Mensa would be in the top 2% of the population, which is typically around an IQ score of 130.
Great IQ! It is 2 standard deviations above average and places that IQ in the top 2 percent of the world's population. assuming accurate and comprehensive testing by a certified cognitive psychologist. Internet IQ tests have zero value. Knowledge and wisdom beats IQ about ten to one.
It is a very high IQ score. It would put you in the top 99 percent of all people.
IQ is distributed as with most things over a bell curve. A rough distribution is that for each 98th percentile IQ increases by 30 points (SB). This puts the top 2% of people around 130 IQ, 160 would be the top 2% of those top 2%, or 0.004% of the population.
His IQ was 133... one in the top 3%(not 2)
Two percent
The top score for an IQ test is 200.
There is no definite IQ number to qualify you to join MENSA. You must score in the top 2 percentile on a standard IQ test to be invited to join MENSA.