Whole numbers can't be mixed numbers.
248/5 as a mixed number or whole number is 49 and 3/5
3.96 as mixed number reduced = 3 24/25
Stick a whole number and a fraction together and there you have it. 3 and 1/4 is a mixed number.
600% as a whole number is 6.
24/3 = 8, a whole number.
Because 24 is wholly divisible by 8 then 24/8 can only be expressed as the whole number (integer) 3
The whole number part of the mixed number 3 is equal to 24 eighths. 3 x 8 is 24. You already have 3 eighths in the fraction part of the mixed number. So you add 24 eighths to 3 eighths and you get 27 eights. So... 27/8
Well, think about it. How many times does 3 go into 24? That's right, 8. So 8 would be your answer.
Whole numbers can't be mixed numbers.
The mixed number is 41/3
3 (not very mixed but 24 / 8 = 3)
No, a mixed number is a whole number with a fraction attached to it ex. 3 3/4 a whole number is a stand alone number with no fraction or decimal ex. 7
The mixed number of 23 over 3 is 72/3
24/3 = 8
you simply put the whole number over oneOk, how do you do 15-3 3/4???easy, ya just have to put the whole number over one and turn the mixed number into a fraction, then solve itchange the whole number into a mixed number
248/5 as a mixed number or whole number is 49 and 3/5