0.3333 is written: three thousand three hundred thirty-three ten-thousandths.
Three thousand, nine hundred twenty-three ten-thousandths.
one thousand eleven ten thousandths as a decimal = 1011.010
To write 3.0003 in word form, you would say "three and three ten-thousandths." The number before the decimal point is read as a whole number, followed by "and" for the decimal point. The digits after the decimal point are read individually, with the place value stated in words.
Since there are only three zeroes, the ten-thousandths only mean precision. It is "three thousand" (and no thousandths).
thirty-nine ten thousandths = 39.0010
It is 2300.0030
Three and ten thousandths would be 3.01 as a decimal.
Nine hundred thirty-three ten-thousandths = 9.33 x 10-2
To write 0.0036 in word form, you would say "zero point zero zero three six." This represents the numerical value of the decimal 0.0036 in words, with each digit being spoken individually. Remember to include the word "zero" before the decimal point to indicate the absence of whole numbers.
Thirty-three and ten thousandths (33.010)* in standard form = 3.301 × 101*standard notation
Three thousand, thirty-three ten-thousandths.
Three hundred thirty-three ten-thousandths.