214,135 = two hundred fourteen thousand, one hundred thirty-five.
214 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of writing it as a fraction or mixed number.
135 135 / 3 = 45 135 / 5 = 27
A prime number is a number that is not divisible into whole numbers, except by itself and one. 135 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 5 with a ressulting quotient of 27.
No it is divisible by 5 at least 675/5 = 135 so also divisible by 135, and so on ...
percentage = 37.5%% rate:= 22.5/60 * 100%= 0.375 * 100%= 37.5%
two hundred fourteen thousand, one hundred and thirty five
The number can be: two hundred fourteen and one hundred thirty-five.OrThe number can be: two hundred fourteen thousand, one hundred thirty-five.
One hundred and thirty five = 135
214 may mean the date for valentines day... Feb 14... 2/14 214 is also the first three words in the song "214" by bamboo, meaning... "Am I real ?"
No, 214 is an even number .Numbers ending in 1,3,5,7,9 are all odd number.
Subtract one, two, three, ... (any positive number) from 214, and you get a number that is less than 214.
(Any number you choose) and the quotient of (135/your number) can be multiplied to get 135.
135 words, was the total number of words of President George Washington's second Inaugural Address.
number 135 is corsola
A Prime number is a number that is not divisible into whole numbers, except by itself and one. 135 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 5 with a ressulting quotient of 27.
The isotope with a mass number of 214 and 131 neutrons is Polonium-214. Its atomic symbol is Po.