10 percent of 6000000000 is 600000000.
The number 45 is written in words by writing the word for the number 40 and combining, or adding, it to the word for the number 5. Therefore, the way to write the number 45 is forty-five.
One decillion.
300,002 in words is three hundred thousand, two.
There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
In figures . . . exactly 600,000,000 In words . . . "six hundred million"
There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 600000000 pounds is equal to 600000000/2000 = 300000 tons.
That is a lot of money.
The expanded form of the number 604,511,013 is: 3 + 10 + 0 + 1000 + 10000 + 500000 + 4000000 + 0 + 600000000
10 percent of 6000000000 is 600000000.
Six hundred million.