A proper fraction is a fraction who's numerator is smaller than the denominator. An improper fraction is a fraction who's numerator is larger than or equal to the denominator. 1/2 is a proper fraction. 3/2 is an improper fraction. Now to understand why the improper fraction is larger than the proper fraction, lets split them up. The proper fraction is one half of a whole, whereas the improper fraction is one whole and one half. Basically the proper is one half, and the improper is three halves. In theory, a proper fraction is always less than the whole number under consideration. On the other hand, an improper fraction is either equal to or larger than the whole number under consideration.
if you want a mixed number it is 3 1/2 if you want a improper fraction it is 7/2
1 and 1/2 as an improper fraction is 3/2.
112.5% as an improper fraction is 9/8
3 and 1 half as an improper fraction = 7/2To convert 3 1/2 to an improper fraction:1. To get the numerator of the improper fraction:Multiply the denominator 2 by the whole number 3 then add the numerator 1.2. The denominator of the improper fraction is 2.3 1/2:= [(2 * 3)+1]/2= [6+1]/2= 7/2 in improper fraction
improper fraction f0r three wholes and one half = 7/2
A proper fraction is a fraction who's numerator is smaller than the denominator. An improper fraction is a fraction who's numerator is larger than or equal to the denominator. 1/2 is a proper fraction. 3/2 is an improper fraction. Now to understand why the improper fraction is larger than the proper fraction, lets split them up. The proper fraction is one half of a whole, whereas the improper fraction is one whole and one half. Basically the proper is one half, and the improper is three halves. In theory, a proper fraction is always less than the whole number under consideration. On the other hand, an improper fraction is either equal to or larger than the whole number under consideration.
improper fraction of 5 and one half = 11/2
5 1/2 is 11/2 as an improper fraction
Thirteen and three fifths, as an improper fraction, is 68/5.
Three and four sevenths in an improper fraction is 17857/5000
if you want a mixed number it is 3 1/2 if you want a improper fraction it is 7/2
1 and 1/2 as an improper fraction is 3/2.
4 and three fourths, an improper fraction has a numerator that is larger than a denominator
improper fraction of seven and a half = 15/27 1/2:= [(2 * 7)+1]/2= [14+1]/2= 15/2 in improper fraction
If you multiply the fraction three-fourths by two you will get six-fourths. If you change that improper fraction to a mixed fraction you will get one and two-fourths. The two-fourths reduces to one-half. There fore three-fourths times two is one and a half.