It is 0.501
that would be .075 in decimal form
Fifty-two tenths decimal form is 5.2
what is two hundred nine thousandths in decimal form
Two quarters is one half. In decimal form: 0.5
The number one and a half as 1.5 in decimal form.
decimal form of a half (1/2) = 0.5 1/2: = 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5 in decimal
1 half in decimal form = 0.5
Half of 4.5 in decimal form is 2.25
Yes, two and a half is the same as 2.5. In decimal form, the fraction two and a half is represented as 2.5. This is because each whole number represents one unit, and the decimal point separates the whole number part from the fractional part.
six and one-half in decimal form = 6.56 1/2 = 6.5
Half a penny in decimal form is 0.005
Half a thousandth is written as 0.0005 in decimal form. A thousandth is 0.001, so half of that is 0.0005.