Nine hundred sixty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 0.968
It is 900.099
To write 745.912 in decimal word form, start by reading the whole number part, which is 745. This is read as "seven hundred forty-five." Then, read the decimal part as a whole number, which is 912. This is read as "nine hundred twelve thousandths." So, 745.912 in decimal word form is "seven hundred forty-five and nine hundred twelve thousandths."
Four and one thousand, nine hundred sixty-seven ten-thousandths.
0.489 = four hundred eighty nine thousandths.
Oh, that's a happy little question! To write one hundred nine thousandths in decimal form, you simply write 0.109. It's like painting a beautiful little picture with numbers, each one finding its perfect place on the canvas. Just remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy little accidents!
Nine hundred sixty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 0.968
Nine and six hundred eighty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 9.688
The numeral is 6.00409 (the decimal value is 409 hundred-thousandths).
It is 0.953
It is 900.099