One hundred twenty-five million, seven hundred forty thousand, six hundred eighty-nine.
"lecture" is a word form!
The word form is: thirty and sixty-eight thousandths.
Numerically you can drop the prefix zero; hence 050 = 50 50 in word form is 'Fifty'.
Short word form is when you write the number in word form, except with the numbers. EXAMPLE: 34,567,199 in short word form is 34 million, 567 thousand, 199.
(125,740,689) 100,000,000+20,000,000+5,000,000+700,000+40,000+600+80+9
100,000,000 +200,000 + 50,000 +7000+ 40,000+6000+80+9
125740689 or 125,740,689 is "one hundred twenty-five million, seven hundred forty thousand, six hundred eighty nine."
one hundred twenty-five million, seven hundred forty thousand, six hundred eighty-nine125,740,689
One hundred twenty-five million, seven hundred forty thousand, six hundred eighty nine.
125740689, 1.25740689 (times) 10 to the 8th power, one hundred twenty-five million seven hundred forty thousand six hundred eighty-nine
one billion,two hundred fifty-seven,seven hundred forty,six hundred eighty nine
One hundred twenty-five million, seven hundred forty thousand, six hundred eighty-nine.
It is written as: One hundred twenty-five million, seven hundred forty thousand, six hundred eighty-nine.
what form of word is wolf
"lecture" is a word form!