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Q: What logo has a blue lower case t and a greater than sign?
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What logo has an n with a blue triangle over the n?

The company Garmin has a blue triangle in its logo, with the triangle over the 'N' in the 'IN' of the Garmin name.

What are the formulas of MSW logo?

well there are many commands such as pd (pen down) pu (pen up) etc

What are the 10 LOGO commands?

FD - moves the turtle forward BK - moves the turtle backwards CS - cleans the screen PE - deleting the turtle's data Lt - Rotates the turtle left Rt - rotates the turtle Right Pd - Pen Down Pu - Pen up repeat - repeats a command (example: repeat 4 [FD 50 rt 50] end

What is the use of qbasic?

BASIC is an acronym which means... (B)eginner's (A)ll-purpose (S)ymbollic (I)nstruction (C)ode As a part of the name already implies: (A)ll-purpose/QBASIC is a 'general purpose' programming language; which may be used to write all different sorts of programs, including... -games -noughts & crosses/tic tac toe -databases -maths -english -random poetry -guess the number -random graphics -musical notes -etc. This is in direct comparison to certain other programming languages which were designed to do only one main task alone; such as... FORTRAN/main purpose: Science/Maths COBOL/main purpose: Business LOGO/main purpose: Graphics HTML/main purpose: Write/present web pages -etc.

What is the difference between a Bitmap and a Vector image?

Bitmap graphics are made up of pixels of different colours whereas vector graphics are made up of objects. Bitmap graphics can be edited by individual pixels whereas vector graphics can be edited by individual objects.

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A lower case e

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The logo with a lowercase "f" inside a box refers to the Facebook logo.

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1) Atari 2) Disney junior

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Microsoft Windows red top left green top right blue lower left yellow lower right

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How do you connect eSATA port?

Look for the eSATA logo next to it. The eSATA logo looks exactly the same as the SATA logo, except that it has the lower case "e" before it.

What is ABC's logo?

White lower case letters "abc" inside a black circle.

What logo is a blue eye?

Blue Eye Technologies have a logo that is a blue eye.

What car has a lower case italic m as its logo?

Possibly the Monica - see

What thing has a blue cloud as their logo?

The blue cloud logo belongs to Skype