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Q: What national average for a straight percentage split compensation for personal training is between and percent?
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It is difficult to provide an exact number as self-identifying as straight edge is a personal choice that may not always be publicly disclosed. However, estimates suggest that a small percentage of the U.S. population identifies as straight edge, with numbers varying over time.

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What is straight commission?

Straight Commission PlanSalesperson compensation method in which only a percentage of the sales volume, but no fixed salary, is paid. The amount received by a salesperson is a function of his or her performance (and not of actual time worked) reflected in sales volume. This method is used where the objective is to (1) generate maximum short-term sales revenue at the lowest overhead cost, or (2) to employ independent sales-representatives instead of permanent sales staff. See also straight salary plan. (from:

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Previous Employer Total Compensation Refers to the total amount of money (Could include straight salary, bonus, value of benefits, 401k contributions) that was paid to you by your previous employer.

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This question is personal opinion. There is no straight answer.

What is straight salary?

Salary Plan a salesforce compensation method in which salespeople are paid a straight salary; a salary plan approach provides security and stability but may not provide the incentive associated with commission payments.

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Joe Retton career at Fairmont State: 478-95 which is a 83.6% winning percentage. He was featured in the Nov 30th 1981 issue of sports illustrated. He had 18 straight 20 win winning seasons. National coach of the year in 1969 and 1976.

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The three sales compensation methods are straight commision, straight salary, and salary plus commision.Commission Salespeople- Paid only when they sell something.Salaried Salespeople- Paid a set amount regardless of how much they sell.Salary Plus Commision Salespeople- Have a set salary, but their commission rate is lower than those who are pain only commission.Hope this helps. ^^ - Noctali

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There is no definitive data comparing the exact percentage of gay individuals among different racial groups in America. Sexual orientation is complex and influenced by a variety of factors beyond race. It's important to avoid generalizations and assumptions about the demographics of LGBTQ+ individuals.

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Straight and Narrow - 1931 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Passed (National Board of Review)