The GCF of 56, 196 and 252 is 28.
To find out how many times 8 goes into 56, we divide 56 by 8. The division problem would be written as 56 รท 8. When we perform the division, we find that 8 goes into 56 exactly 7 times, with no remainder. Therefore, 8 goes into 56 seven times.
70 percent of what number (call the number "x") is 252, so; 0.7 * x = 252 x = 252 / 0.7 x = 360
252 is a composite number. 252 = 2 x 2 x 53
The number 7 goes into both 56 and 119 (56/7 = 8, 56/7 = 17).
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 252 56 is 504.
It is: 56/252 = 2/9 simplified
The GCF of 56, 196 and 252 is 28.
The common factors of 252 and 4 are 1, 2 4.
Simplify 56/252, divide top and bottom by 28 = 2/9
The only common factor shared by -252 & 29 is... 1. The number 29 is prime - only having factors 1 & 29. 29 is not a factor of 252 !
The number is 1.
2 goes into both.
1 and 7.