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Oh, dude, that's an easy one. So, like, the number you're looking for is a trillion. Yeah, a trillion has 12 zeros after the one. It's like a billion, but with a little extra oomph.

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One trillion

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Q: What number has 12 zeros following a one?
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What number has a one followed by 12 zeros?

A trillion

How do you write the number 10 million million?

one million is 1 with 6 zeros one million million is 1 with 6+6 or 12 zeros 10 million is 10 with 12 zeros

What number is 12 zeros?

if you mean a number followed by 12 zeros like this: 1000000000000 then that is 1 trillion

What number has 12 zeros?

If you mean a number followed by 12 zeros then it is a trillion: e.g. 1,000,000,000,000

I've invented a number called the GigaTrillion what number of zeros does it have?

It has 21 zeros, because 'Giga' means 'a Billion'. Thus, one GigaTrillion is 1 Billion-Trillion. A billion has 9 zeros, and a trillion has 12 zeros. However, if you are referring to the United Kingdom, a billion has 12 zeros and a trillion has 18 zeros, so it would be 30 zeros.

What is 300 million times 40 thousand?

Simply take 4 times 3 without all of the zeros = 12 Now put 12 zeros back (total number of zeros is 13 so take one away) 400,000 (5 zeros) X 300,000,000 (8 zeros) = 12,000,000,000,000 (12 zeros)

Is a number with 8 numbers a million or a trillion?

United States uses the following sytem (other countries use different system) # of zeros 3 zeros is a thousand 6 zeros is a million ( therefore 8 numbers is millions ) 9 zeros is a billion 12 zeros is a trillion

How many zeros a trillion has?

As a number there are 12

What do you call a number with 12 zeros?


How many zeros does the number trillion have in it?


How many zero in 1 lakh crore?

12 zeros.12 zeros.12 zeros.12 zeros.

Is a number with 12 zeros a billion or a trillion?

A trillion.