0.9 is bigger than 0.09
00001001 can be written as 0000 1001 which is hex 09 and hence has a decimal value of 9
No, think of it as .09 and .50
.09 percent = .0009 = 9/10000.
Ah, what a happy little number we have here! When we round 4.09 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 4. Just a gentle adjustment to keep things simple and easy to work with. Remember, there are no mistakes in rounding, just happy little approximations.
Meet Me Halfway was created on 2009-09-22.
Halfway Tree was created on 2001-09-11.
The number after 09 (nine) is 10 (ten).
About a year and a half old. It came out 11/2/09.
The Gulf of Thailand is located approximately between latitudes 6° 30' N and 13° 30' N, and longitudes 99° E and 104° E.
154 is greater, unless 09 is written as '09, meaning 2009.
Between the Lies was created in 2010-09.
12 on 09-10 shirt 18 on 08-09 kit
Stage a Number was created on 1952-09-10.