Anything above 65000 and below 75000
67000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 70000.
To the nearest ten, 73570 To the nearest hundred, 73600 To the nearest thousand, 74000 To the nearest ten thousand, 70000
It's already there.
73256 = 73256 rounded to the nearest unit 73256 = 73260 rounded to the nearest ten 73256 = 73200 rounded to the nearest hundred 73256 = 73000 rounded to the nearest thousand 73256 = 70000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand
73569 rounded to nearest ten thousandth is 79000
Rounded to the nearest thousand, this is equal to 68000. Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, this is equal to 70000.
It is 70000.
67000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 70000.
To round 74567 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 7. Since the digit to the right of the ten thousand's place is 4 (less than 5), we round down. Therefore, 74567 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 70000.
Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, 72876 is approximately equal to 70000.
To the nearest ten, 73570 To the nearest hundred, 73600 To the nearest thousand, 74000 To the nearest ten thousand, 70000