Numbers that are not factors of 60 are those that do not divide evenly into 60 without leaving a remainder. For example, prime numbers such as 7, 11, and 13 are not factors of 60 because they cannot divide 60 evenly. Additionally, any number that is not a divisor of 60, such as 25 or 49, would also not be a factor of 60. In general, any number that does not evenly divide into 60 without leaving a remainder is not a factor of 60.
The greatest common factor of the numbers 120, 180 and 240 is 60. The GCF can't be any larger than the smallest difference between the numbers, which is 60. It is easy to see that 60 is a factor of each of the numbers in the set, so it is the GCF.
Everything except 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,15,20,30,35,60,70
Here are some sets of numbers that have the greatest common factor of 12: 12, 36 12, 288 24, 84 24, 48, 60 60, 96 144, 156
what two numbers between 50 and 60 are both multiples of the same number. what factor do they have in common?
Oh, isn't that a happy little question! Yes, 8 is indeed a factor of 60. You see, a factor is a number that can be multiplied to get another number, and when you multiply 8 by 7.5, you get 60. So, just like painting a beautiful landscape, numbers can come together in harmony too.
When it is a factor of the larger number for example the least common multiple of 15 and 60 is 60 because 15 is a factor of 60 and 60 is factor of itself
The greatest common factor of the numbers 60 and 108 is 12.
30 has three prime numbers and is a factor of 60.
The greatest common factor of the numbers 120, 180 and 240 is 60. The GCF can't be any larger than the smallest difference between the numbers, which is 60. It is easy to see that 60 is a factor of each of the numbers in the set, so it is the GCF.
None. The least common factor of any set of numbers is 1.
The highest common factor of the numbers 30, 60 and 72 is 6.
The highest common factor of the numbers 36, 60 and 72 is 12.
The highest common factor of the numbers 35, 50 and 60 is 5.
The least common factor of 54 and 60 is 1, as is the least common factor of any set of numbers. The highest common factor of 54 and 60 is 6
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the numbers 58 60 is 2 because it is the greatest number that can be divided into the numbers.
Divide 60 by the first six counting numbers.
The greatest common factor of the numbers 60 and 130 is 10.